Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to school Week.

Yes, the back to school night is back.
the night where we all have to assemble the perfect outfits and have the perfect hairstyle and arrive in the perfect way so that maybe we might have a fighting chance at liking school. well ill be honest...tonigt thats me. why? well for the past five years the first day of school has meant anxiety and headaches the night before. tonight, ive had an epiphany..."new me" usually i never ever follow this rule but i beleive that the sayne " i think, there for i do" should be practiced daily because with that we find the strength in us we never saw. so tomorrow will be just that for me, even though my other half is in colorado and this is the first year ive had to go to school without her for the last five yeas and the fact that i didnt really get the guy, there is always one thing that im going to remember this year for times when the going gets tough.

It only gets better from here.

Yours Truly,

Chloe B.